The third installment of the creepy Forgotten Hill series, Forgotten Hill: Surgery, takes place in a terrifying medical facility. Explore this frightening atmosphere, collect clues, and solve puzzles to uncover the clinic's dark secrets. Searching for escape guarantees eerie atmospheres and spine-tingling experiences.
Click items of interest around the clinic in Forgotten Hill: Surgery to navigate. Store these things in inventory for later use. Click on inventory to view and select products. You can progress by clicking on other objects or doors using these items. Each hint and item you collect will reveal more clinic secrets and help you escape.
Pay attention to every feature in each room—minor clues can be missed. Consider how items can be combined to solve complex riddles. New interactions may appear following big findings, so revisit rooms. Notes on important clues can help you solve difficult puzzles faster in Forgotten Hill: Surgery.
Have fun and good luck!