Missing Banban

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About Missing Banban

In Missing Banban, you play Sheriff Todster, a frog who must find your friend in a dangerous and weird world. To find out what happened, jump, shoot, and investigate clues in different regions.

How to play Missing Banban

You must master movement and respond swiftly to unanticipated perils to survive Missing Banban. Avoid traps, climb walls, and time tricky parts. You can use weapons and special skills to defeat enemies blocking your path. When battling foes with diverse attack patterns, choosing the proper tool for each encounter can boost your chances of success. Every region presents new threats, demanding quick reflexes and smart choices to advance.

Why play Missing Banban?

Missing Banban has beaches, forests, and hidden factories to investigate. Each place holds information about your lost friend and the chaos-causing evil forces. You will also meet corrupted old friends. Once allies, now enemies, you must defeat them in difficult boss encounters. Defeating them may save them and restore your relationship.

Each environment has difficult platforming and riddles that take thought. Every step forward brings new threats, making the search for your lost companion harder.

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Horror Games

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