Scary Maze

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About Scary Maze

Scary Maze is a scary online joke game that was made to scare people. Slowly move your cursor to each level's exit. If your cursor touches any of the maze's walls, the game is over right away. There are a lot of twists and turns in the scary maze game.

How to play

Your goal is to get out of the maze and to do that, you need to find the key to the gate. Try to leave as quickly as you can to keep your time record.

To carefully move the cursor through the scary maze, you will need a steady hand. But as you play through the levels, strange things start to happen. A simple puzzle that isn't scary at all turns into a really scary maze game when small things are added or changed. Use the mouse to move slowly and steadily forward, and make sure you never touch the walls of the maze level.

Have fun and good luck!

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