That's Not My Neighbor

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About That's Not My Neighbor

Watch the front door of your building and make sure none of your nice neighbors are working for the bad guys. Your attention is very important in That's Not My Neighbor.

How to play

You're not just meeting people as they come in; you're the first line of defense, and it's your job to find and stop these doubles from getting into the building.

You'll need to use many different ways to make sure that tenants are who they say they are. This could mean checking their IDs, making sure they live in the right place, or even calling to make sure they'll be there.

There are creepy ghosts in That's Not My Neighbor that get smarter every day. To keep up with them, you'll have to think of a lot of different things while doing daily chores. You have to learn a lot about the process even if you don't use any mods.

The game lets you fill out different forms for each neighbor, which helps you figure out who the enemies are. To find out if there is something wrong with a certain person, do it this way.

Have fun and good luck!

Category - Tags

Horror Games

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